Find out what motivates you.

The poses of the Ashtanga yoga series are demanding.
Not every day is the same. There are 'good' days and 'bad' days. Sometimes the body is flexible and the other day it feels stiff and even poisoned. Especially if a pose is new or difficult it's often also volatile. This shatters me no more, I'm familiar with this. Nevertheless we all have to keep ourselves motivated, even though not every day progress can be seen.

What motivates a single person has a lot to do with the personality. Get to know yourself. Observe yourself. What gets you going?
Seeing progress motivates me. That is looking at my pictures gives me a lot of energy. I start believing (again and again) that poses are possible. My pictures convince me. They strengthen the perseverance and perhaps even stubbornness.

On Friday we practice primary around the globe. Despite the dinner party yesterday night (another one) I got up this morning. I heard the alarm clock. The practice was surprisingly good.
On Sunday is my last Mysore class. Eight home practices shall follow!!!!!! Then 2015 offers us new opportunities.

Sometimes I'm told: Yeah, you are flexible. I think the pictures show that I'm not flexible. I really have to work on every tiny inch further.