Back bending: I know the feeling 'nothing moves'.

What changed is how I practice.  My understanding of the back bending poses deepened. I use no strap around my legs anymore. The legs have to be engaged. This is important. The stronger they are the better. I try to move the legs together. This is not to make them move apart.
I move upwards. I try to create space. And then hope comes into play: Might my fingers find my toes. Haha......

Shouldn't it be possible just to stretch the arms to the feet so that the circle is closed? It's not.

Yet I've found the blocked area. It's in front of the shoulders.

Today I did urdhva dhanurasana against the wall. I tried to move the chest to the wall. The chin touched the wall. Discomfort was felt in front of the shoulders. Here I have to stretch. It's the same blocked area like in kapotasana.

Strong legs: 
- Strong legs make this pose safe. The knees shall not move apart. If they do pressure is on the lower back and this is to avoid.
- Strong legs are needed to come up. The message sinks in.....

I live in the 5th floor. From now on I'll take the steps. I'll also take the steps in the subway. Shall this help.

Yesterday I was at a concert: Bryan Adams was here. Should I go, should I not go was the inner discussion. Am I glad that I don't have this waste of time when it comes to yoga. I go. Point. I also went to Bryan Adams and I enjoyed it. He stepped on stage and played one song after the other. Many songs I knew, but I didn't know they came from him. No single song was boring. The Olympic hall was full. It was a lovely experience to have common fun with so many fans. With lots of music in  my heart I walked home, slept well, and it was sweet to be a bit tired today at 5am. I prolonged the cold shower. This woke me up.

Tomorrow is primary on the schedule, Just this. To have a shorter practice at the end of a yoga week is great.